
We are Rima and Mantas, a family that cherishes old traditions in the production of natural cosmetics Evija.

Evija.lt history
Evija’s story began with Manto’s grandfather Teodoras Bitvinskas. He was a child with a keen mind, a curious, curious child, he loved to read, he was especially interested in nature. That desire to get to know Lithuanian forests led him to graduate in biological sciences, to become a scientist, and later to defend his doctoral dissertation on forestry.
He devoted most of his life to the study of coniferous trees. Later, in the Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University, he established the first dendroclimatochronology laboratory, which he headed.
During his career as a researcher, he has written and published more than 140 scientific articles and theses on climate and tree growth.
It was this man who, believing in the power of nature and the healing power of trees, discovered by accident and unexpectedly in historical sources the recipe for Lithuanian folk ointment, which over time was patented and perfected to the current composition of the protective cream Evija.
Reading, taking an interest in and making Evia cream was his passion and hobby. It has come a long way from finding a recipe to customizing it for use. He passed on all his experience and knowledge to the Manto family, and now to us.
It is only because of his perseverance and faith that the protective cream Evija “Absolutely Natural” is as it is today.
With great faith, he gave away a craft that we have cultivated and nurtured for more than 20 years, which we still call his baby.
We would very much like Him to grow and improve as He is near us and be able to enjoy Him with Him …
We believe that He watches over and sustains us from above. Manto’s grandfather had a dream that the protective cream Evija would be in the home pharmacy of every Lithuanian family …
We know that we will do our best to make this dream come true.
When manufacturing Evija cosmetics, we focus on product quality, so we manufacture all products ourselves in accordance with the highest production standards. We produce sustainably, using only recyclable packaging, we do not use secondary packaging boxes, thus contributing to the preservation of nature. We carefully select the suppliers of raw materials in this way, using only the highest quality ingredients, the main ones being spruce resin and beeswax.
Keeping the old traditions, as the grandfather taught, we collect spruce resins ourselves. We buy beeswax only from organic farms that have a quality label certificate. It is because of these components that we guarantee a 3-year shelf life for our products.
The EVIJA brand has been in use for more than 20 years. Products based on antibacterial and antiseptic creams are marked with this mark.
The technological process of production of the EVIJA cream line is regulated by the company standard (JST 3445054-01-1998).
EVIJA separate trademarks are the names of creams with different ingredients registered in the Register of Trademarks (Register No. 39448 2000 0817, No. 60315 2009 0616, No. 60316 2009 0616).
EVIJA protective cream composition and its production method are protected by Patent No. of the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania. 5920 issued on 25.03.2013 in the Republic of Lithuania.
For fostering ancient traditions, EVIJA products are recognized as a sign of national heritage.
The product of the “EVIJA Natural Composition” brand is approved by the Likochema Association, which means that the cosmetic product:
have a cosmetic product safety report that has been evaluated by a highly experienced and highly qualified evaluator;
complies with Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, 2009 on 30 November. ” For cosmetic products ”;
was manufactured in accordance with ISO standard 22716: 2007 “Cosmetic products. Good manufacturing practice. Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice.
JSC “EVIJA & Partner”
Address: Ančios g. 3A, LT-46415, Kaunas Conpany code: 302642070 VAT code: LT100014689110 |